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Terms and conditions

1. Service description
The Protestant Evangelical Church of Limoges (Eglise Protestante Évangélique de Limoges - EPE LIMOGES) website  offers services designed to informe about the church life such as  :

Replays and video broadcasting of the religious services. 

Music player to listen to hymns or other religious music.

Podcasts to listen to sermons and teachings.

A calendar to keep up with upcoming events and church activities.

Online reading of the Bible to enable users to read biblical texts.

The possibility to make online donations to EPE Limoges through the HellAsso platform.

English speakers can access the website thanks to an integrated translation tool. 

The website also has a PUSH notification service to notify subscribers.

2. Terms of use
By using this website, you agree to respect the following conditions :

You agree to use the website for personal and non-commercial browsing only.
It is prohibited to scrape the site or its content for personal or commercial use.
You agree not to use the site to transmit offensive, illegal or harmful content.

3. Intellectual property

All the content published on the website, including the texts, images, videos, music, podcasts, are EPE Limoges propriety or its licensors. The images and videos used on this site are coming from copyright-free content platforms such as Pixabay and Unsplash. Credits owed to the following artists: tommyvideo, Christian Thöni, Micha Parzuchowski, Mateo Abrahan, Rupixen, Jose Leon. joel-muniz-3k3l2brxmwQ-unsplash
marc penicaud
Mountain Range_edited

You cannot reproduce, distribute or use this content without the prior written permission of EPE Limoges. 


4. Responsibility
EPE Limoges cannot be held reponsible for any damage or loss caused by the use or the inability to use this website. Including, but not limited to, incidental or consequential damages. 


5. Privacy policy
Using this website constitutes acceptance of our Privacy Policy. Please read it carefully in order to understand how we collect, use and protect your personal information.


6. Termination conditions

EPE Limoges reserves the right to suspend or terminate any access to this website, without notice, in case of infringement of these terms and conditions or for any reason deemed necessary. 


7. Applicable law and appropriate juridiction
French laws hold sway over these terms and conditions. In case of dispute, the court of Limoges (France) will be the competent tribunal.


8. Terms and conditions modifications
EPE Limoges reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Users will be informed of any significant changes by a notification on the website. Continued use of the website after such changes will be considered as acceptance of the new terms and conditions.


9. Contact information
For any questions or concerns regarding these terms and conditions, please contact us at: 

Postal address: 11 Avenue Émilie Labussière, Limoges, France
Phone number: +33 9 81 86 15 05
Email address:

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